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Matt Hewitt

Head of Mathematics

Matt Hewitt is the Head of Mathematics, in Senior School. Originally, Matt is from the south of England and on leaving school he joined the Navy, spending 10 years traveling the world. This gave him the travel bug and happily Matt’s second career in teaching has allowed him to continue that journey.

Matt graduated from the University of Brighton with First Class Honours in Mathematics Education. He has much experience leading departments, both in the UK and internationally. Matt’s philosophy, towards the learning of Mathematics, is that students should be actively involved, engaged, and curious. This allows them to develop independence and have high expectations of what they can achieve. Matt has encouraged many to participate in Maths competitions and believes that challenging themselves, in this way, helps them to look at the subject differently.

Matt has been in Shanghai for several years and is very happy to be part of the Dulwich College Shanghai Puxi community. In his free time, Matt relaxes with football, both playing and watching he is a passionate follower of his team Brighton. He very much enjoys the many food choices and experiencing everything the city has to offer culturally.

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