DUCKS (Kindergarten)
Welcome to DUCKS, the Dulwich Puxi Kindergarten

A Dulwich education aims to ensure that young people become successful learners, confident individuals, and responsible citizens. There is a strong emphasis on children's personal development, including the development of learning and thinking skills and personal, social and emotional skills. The structure of the curriculum has been designed to provide breadth and balance whilst maintaining focus on English, Chinese and Maths.
DUCKS: An International Early Years Preschool in Shanghai Puxi
DUCKS Shanghai Puxi is an extremely welcoming, friendly and inspiring learning environment for learners aged 2 to 7 and comprises 5 year groups: Toddler, Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. All of our kindergarten classrooms are light-filled and spacious. They are extremely well-resourced to ensure children are inspired in their learning. A huge benefit for our DUCKS students is the beautifully landscaped outdoor play areas - plentiful and perfect for explorative learning in nature – a rarity for many kindergarten schools situated in Shanghai Puxi.
DUCKS Classes
Toddler Foundation Stage 2-3 years
Nursery Foundation Stage 3-4 years
Reception Foundation Stage 4-5 years
Year 1 Key Stage One (KS1) 5-6 years
Year 2 Key Stage One (KS1) 6-7 years
DUCKS Curriculum
Our early childhood education programmes are based upon the English Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and the English National Curriculum, adapted for the needs of international children. The curriculum follows seven areas of learning and our highly experienced teachers guide and facilitate a range of exciting and stimulating curricular activities that enable each child to achieve the goals and objectives appropriate to his or her individual stage of development.
The Prime Areas covered are:
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Communication and Language
- Physical Development
The Specific Areas covered are:
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the World
- Expressive Arts and Design
Our Dual Language Approach
The DUCKS language development approach values both English and Mandarin equally, ensuring that children in our nursery acquire both languages concurrently. We therefore use a dual language approach in our classrooms, a key feature of our international early childhood education programme in Shanghai Puxi. Our highly experienced English teachers will lead the curriculum using spoken English. The children’s learning will be supported by an Assistant Teacher who speaks Mandarin as a first language, but who speaks fluent English as well. The physical learning environment, including print, will be in both English and Mandarin.
The aim of the Dual Language approach in DUCKS is to develop fluent speakers in English and Mandarin by the end of Year 2 who can comfortably switch from one language to another, while always remaining secure in their first language.
Uniform For Students From Nursery To Year 11
Students from Nursery to Year 11 will wear the school uniform. School uniform isn't about conformity, but reflects a long-standing tradition from the founding school and is a badge of pride and school identity. See files below to see unifoms by school.