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- Governance
Dulwich Colleges in China are operated by EiM with an agreement from Dulwich College London. The Group serves the Colleges in the areas of facilities and building management, financing, and all matters related to government relations and local regulations pertaining to their existence as education providers for expatriate children living in China.
Board of Management
There is a Board of Management (BoM) which is responsible for the strategic development of The College and offers scrutiny and support to The College leadership. This Board, which consists of members of EiM and the Head of College and Director of Business Administration, meets four times a year.

Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees (BoT) consists of representatives from EiM, four parent representatives and one representative from Dulwich College London. The Chair and Vice-Chair are elected from one of the independent representatives. The Head of College and the Director of Business Administration (DBA) are ex officio members of the BoT but do not have voting rights. The DBA also acts as the Secretary to the BoT. The primary function of the BoT is to act as an advisory body, which will have an overview of the activities of The College and make recommendations to the HoC and the BoM. The BoT does not function as a final decision-making body.

If you have any questions or are interested in a position on the Board of Trustees please email