School Bus Service

Contact Info

School Bus Service Team

021 3329 9388

Any questions relating to the School Bus Service may be directed to School Bus Service Team.

The School Bus Service is optional. You may register first and pay later.

We offer a comprehensive School Bus Service to all students three years old and above. All our buses have the appropriate and mandated government certificates and have at least one Bus Monitor as an escort. 

To register for the School Bus Service, please click THIS LINK and complete the registration form.


  1. We request that all School Bus Service applications be submitted by June 11, 2023 so that routes can be finalised and submitted to the relevant authorities for approval. After that time, while we can still accept applications, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to accommodate convenient routes.
  2. We will endeavour to meet the needs of all School Bus Service applications. However, we may not be able to accommodate requests to distant locations, or for locations with fewer than five students.
  3. The Dulwich College Shanghai Puxi School Bus Service Team will communicate with you by means of email within 2 working days after receiving your registration.
  4. School Bus Service details (pick-up and drop-off times, bus numbers, driver and bus monitors contact information) will be shared with all new parents in August, the week ahead of your child/ren's start.
  5. The Dulwich College Shanghai Puxi School Bus Regulations and Code of Conduct may be found at THIS LINK. By registering and applying for the School Bus Service it is implied that you have read and agreed to the Dulwich College Shanghai Puxi School Bus Regulations and Code of Conduct.

School Bus Services Fees

One-way bus riders will be charged the same as round trip bus riders. Bus refunds for students withdrawing from the College are calculated in the same manner as Tuition Fee refunds for withdrawing students. Bus refunds for students who need to change their bus during the school year will be handled individually.


Bus Routes - Reference Only