Congratulating our Students on Outstanding Maths Achievements

It has been an exciting month for our students to demonstrate their mathematical prowess, with Dulwich College Shanghai Puxi students achieving astounding results in competitions both locally in Shanghai, and globally.

Leading the City at the Shanghai International School Mathematics Competition

The inaugural Shanghai International Schools Mathematics Competition took place last week, attended by 11 teams of Year 7 students, and 16 teams of Year 9 students from international schools across Shanghai. Elements of the competition included events such as “The Tyres of Hanoi”, “Drone Geometry”, “Cross-numbers”, an Escape Room, and constructing a vehicle made from spaghetti that could carry an egg safely down a ramp at speed. 


- 2nd place winners, Year 7 team, Jayden, Emily, Justin, Fred

- 5th place winners, Year 9 team, Richard, Elia, Ethan, Daniel

Congratulations to our Y7 and Y9 students on their fantastic results!


Our Year 9 team showed a great team spirit and had some excellent individual results, placing a brilliant 5th overall. 

Our Year 7 team showed the other schools how it was done and thanks to winning the logic and number puzzles round, they finished an incredible 2nd place. 

Both of our teams worked superbly, and had a fantastic time competing at such a high level.


"Mathematics is not about what you know, but about how you behave when you don’t know." - Anonymous

This quote, used as the tagline for the recent Shanghai International Schools Mathematics Competition (SISMAC) events, perfectly summarises our approach to problem solving at Dulwich College Shanghai Puxi. Understanding mathematical processes is important, and we devote significant time to learning, understanding and practicing them. Yet, every day we come across unfamiliar problems and students must learn how to use their ‘toolkit’ of skills most effectively. This is the IB approach to studying mathematics: to recognise not only how to use mathematical skills across different areas of study within the subject, but also to see how they can be used across a broader range of subjects and outside the standard curricula.

Achieving Top Results Globally in the UKMT Junior Mathematical Challenge

43 of our Year 6 to Year 8 students took part in the UK Mathematics Trust (UKMT) Junior Mathematical Challenge. The UK Mathematics Trust was founded in 1996 and aims to advance the education of young people in mathematics. As a global tournament, the UKMT provides a significant challenge to our students.


31 of the 43 students who participated achieved at least Bronze certificate, placing them in the top 40% of students worldwide.

- 2 students received Gold certificates, placing in the top 7% worldwide

-15 students received Silver certificates, placing in the top 20% worldwide

Congratulations Jayden and Louis, Year 7, for their Gold certificate achievement!


At Dulwich College Shanghai Puxi, our rigorous maths program gives students the opportunity to develop their skills and explore their many uses. We work across subjects to explore ways in which students can be exposed to problem solving in unfamiliar contexts and see the links that tie together the different aspects of our modern world. Students are challenged to analyse and explain the mathematics they learn, and investigations are designed to guide students through the applications of their skills and help them discover patterns in their findings. 

It is great to see our approach to teaching mathematics bearing fruit not only within the College, but also across Shanghai and even globally. Our students truly are competing, and winning, at high levels around the world. I can’t wait to see how much further our students can go!