Lights, Cameras, Action!

‘Toto, I’ve got a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore. We must be over the rainbow.’ Dorothy 

This week our high achieving Junior and Senior School students took us over the rainbow with their wonderful production of The Wizard of Oz. There was a tangible sense of excitement and anticipation as parents and grand parents arrived on campus to watch the production. The main reception was dramatically transformed into the land of Oz but it was the students who took us to a different world with the strength of their performance.

At Dulwich Puxi, we believe in the importance of giving students personal opportunities to shine. It was a pleasure watching individual students take centre stage and see their personalities shine through. It was also a pleasure getting a sense of the high level of student collaboration that underpinned all the work leading up to the production. 

From set design to front of house, students have drawn upon a wide range of skills and qualities to create a successful event. The outcome was a memorable performance and it is no surprise that the audience was so generous with its applause. Congratulations to everyone involved. You entertained and delighted us! Thank you to Mr. Haslett, Mrs. Sellers, Mr Sellers, Mr Reinhardt and all the staff who have given their time so generously to provide our students with this experience.