Jonathan Haslett photo

Jonathan Haslett

Director of Creative Arts

Jonathan is originally from the North West of Ireland, where he studied Music at Queen's University, Belfast. He started his teaching career in 2004 and spent 10 years working in the North East of England as a music specialist where held the position of Head of Music in a large comprehensive school in County Durham. In 2014, Jonathan moved to China to become Director of Music at a large British international school in Guangzhou.

Jonathan has created and coordinated a wide range of extra-curricular activities and enrichment opportunities for students. These include running orchestras, choirs, traditional folk ensembles, and music technology. He set up a student theatre company to encourage students within the performing and creative arts to develop their musical skills through practical involvement.  Outside of the classroom, Jonathan enjoys photography walks and discovering interesting aspects of the local area and new sights across Asia.  He enjoys the creativity of cooking and will always challenge himself with new and interesting recipes. Jonathan performs music informally as often as possible, playing with jazz and pop bands.

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